Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the last word

Social networks are very interesting. I have been told that it is not 'cool' for parents to join the social networks like Facebook and My Space as they may get too much information about what the children are really up to and can be a source of embarrassment. Well isn't that what parents are for?

it's all online

Online applications are great. I remember some time ago reading that it would be the norm for personal computers to have very little software on them as all applications will be available on line. Seems to be coming true. I am able to see this phenomenon being very useful to most people, most of the time. I guess to get more than a basic application, it has to be paid for by someone at some point. Maybe public access computers in libraries don't really need expensive full versions of software applications.


I am a big fan of podcasts from ABC Radio National and download them at home. Wouldn't it be a great idea to podcast the Story Time book readings our library has weekly for young children. This would make the story telling available over and over again and kids don't seem to mind repetition. This may also be a way to provide a service to library patrons who live some distance away from the library or who for other reasons are not able to get in to the library at the scheduled time. Hmmm... I need to remember this one.

what was the question?

I would really enjoy an answer board that answered questions about characters, plots and settings from different works of fiction - this is something library staff could specialise in. Very useful for when you are trying to remember the name of a character or how the story ended especially when using this information to win an argument! May also be helpful when trying to recall classics that were studied at school but have now passed to the darker corners of your memory and some help is needed to sort out which hero/villain was in which book/play.

easter island statues from You Tube

life in motion

I think You Tube has an extraordinary collection of good and bad videos. What will people in the future think of them all? Our library could use online video for 'a day in the life of' record of itself. It would be amazing to see video of life and times now at some future date.

the wikis

I was already a fan of Wikipedia finding it very useful for getting starting point information on a subject that I know little or nothing about. I have also found the links at the end of an article very good for further reading. A library's local history collection may work well as a wiki - providing easily read facts and figures about the local town/area especially in relation to family names which have historical value.

looking for lighthouses

After setting up an account at Bloglines and adding the Powerhouse Museum feed I then went in search of lighthouses. It quickly became apparent that the word 'lighthouse' gets used in many different ways and alot of them have nothing to do with the lighthouses. I did find some photography that was very pleasing. My Bloglines account has several library feeds all with their own style and feel.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I love this image of 'the web'

Monday, December 1, 2008